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Minerals from Gunma prefecture
Prefectural Mineral: Realgar of Nishinomaki mine
Geology | Fossils | Hot springs
Minerals reported from Gunma prefecture
A list of minerals observed at 57 locations in Gunma prefecture, Kanto region, Honshu island, Japan
Localities described below may be now closed to collecting by authorities or land owners.
Fujioka city
Sanbagawa, Fujioka city, Gunma pref.
- Aragonite
White, Needle
- Hydromagnesite
White, Radial
- Brucite
White, Platy
- Clinothulite
Pink, Prismatic
- Sursassite
Red, Prismatic
- Serpentine
Transparent, Green
- Magnetite
Black, Granular
Sanbagawa Mine
Sanbagawa, Fujioka city, Gunma pref.
Sanbagawa, Fujioka city, Gunma pref.
- Piemontite
Red, Prismatic
- Ardennite-(As)
Orange, Prismatic
- Spessartine
Yellow, Dodecahedral
- Malachite
Green, Prismatic
- Braunite
Black, Granular
Tano Mine
Sanbagawa, Fujioka city, Gunma pref.
- Magnetite
Black, Granular
- Polydymite
Gray, Granular
- Millerite
Yellow, Crust
- Diopside
Pale green, Prismatic
- Tremolite
White, Fibrous
- Antigorite
Green, Prismatic
- Brucite
Silver white, Micaceous
- Hydrotalcite
White, Micaceous
- Dypingite
White, Botryoidal
- Aragonite
White, Crust
- Clinochlore
Green, Micaceous
- Grossular
Brown, Granular
- Unspecified mineral
Reddish brown, Micaceous
Yashio Mine
Onishi, Fujioka city, Gunma pref.
- Aragonite
White, Acicular/Tabular
- Hydromagnesite
White, Radial
- Chromite
Black, Granular
- Kämmererite(Kammererite)
- Coalingite?
Brown, Micaceous
- Albite
White, Tabular
Shimo-Hino, Fujioka city, Gunma pref.
- Dawsonite
White, Acicular
- Alumohydrocalcite
White to pink, Acicular
- Dolomite
- Magnesite
- Siderite
Brown, Granular
- Chalcedony
Kanna city
Manba Mine
Takashio, Funako, Kanna city, Tano county, Gunma pref.
- Rhodonite
Pink, Tabular
- Rhodochrosite
Pale pink, Massive
- Caryopilite
Brown, Massive
- Quartz
Clear, Hexagonal prismatic
- Baryte
White, Massive
- Hausmannite
Brown, Massive
- Tephroite
Bluish gray, Massive
- Alleghanyite
Purplish brown, Massive
- Pyrite
Yellow, Cubic
- Chalcopyrite
Yellow, Tetragonal
- Bornite
Blue, Massive
Shiozawa Mine
Shiozawa, Kanna city, Tano county, Gunma pref.
- Rhodochrosite
Pale pink, Massive
- Caryopilite
Brown, Massive
- Quartz
Clear, Hexagonal prismatic
- Baryte
White, Massive
- Hausmannite
Brown, Massive
- Jacobsite
Black, Massive
- Tephroite
Bluish gray, Massive
- Pyrite
Yellow, Cubic
- Chalcopyrite
Yellow, Tetragonal
- Covellite
Blue, Coating
- Alabandite
Black, Granular
- Gageite
Pale brown, Fibrous
Kiryu city
Choshichiro Peak, Mount Akagi
Shimo-Tazawa, Kurohone village, Kiryu city, Gunma pref.
- Osumilite-(Mg)
Dark blue, Granular
Tsukuhara Mine
Umeda village, Kiryu city, Gunma pref.
- Ferberite
Black, Tabular
- Pyrite
Yellow, Cubic
- Arsenopyrite
Silver white, Granular
- Tennantite
Black, Massive
- Fluorite
Purple, Massive
- Muscovite
White, Tabular
- Heulandite
White, Hexagonal tabular
- Quartz
White, Prismatic
- Jarosite
Brown, Granular
- Hydrokenoelsmoreite
Yellow, Coating
- Scorodite
Pale green, Granular
- Undetermined species
Brown, Massive
Daikei Mine
Umeda village, Kiryu city, Gunma pref.
- Rhodonite
Pink, Massive
- Tephroite
Green, Massive
- Jacobsite
- Alleghanyite
Brownish purple, Massive
- Sonolite
Brownish purple, Massive
- Hausmannite
Brown, Massive
- Manganosite
Green, Massive
- Braunite
Black, Massive
- Pyrite
Yellow, Granular
- Bornite?
Rainbow, Granular
- Rhodochrosite
White, Massive
- Rhodochrosite?
Green, Veinlet
- Spessartine
Reddish brown, Banded
- Cryptomelane
Black, Massive
- Neotocite
Brown, Veinlet
- Undetermined species
Black, Veinlet
Mogurazawa Mine
Kamibishi, Hishi village, Kiryu city, Gunma pref.
- Rhodochrosite
- Rhodonite
- Roscoelite
Green, Tabular
- Suzukiite
Green, Prismatic
- Nagashimalite?
- Hausmannite
- Tephroite
- Pyrite
Yellow, Cubic
- Pyrrhotite
- Tetrahedrite
Yellow, Tetragonal
- Pyrochroite
Kurokawa Mine
Kurokawa, Hishi village, Kiryu city, Gunma pref.
- Hausmannite
- Manganosite
- Jacobsite
- Rhodonite
- Neotocite
- Sulphur
Yellow, Coating
- Millerite
Yellow, Acicular
Midori city
Hagidaira Mine
Konaka, Azuma village, Midori city, Gunma pref.
- Cosalite
Black, Prismatic
- Pyrophanite
Brown, Tabular
- Alabandite
- Spessartine
Brown, Granular
- Rhodonite
Pink, Tabular
- Hübnerite(Hubnerite)
Brown, Prismatic
- Sphalerite
- Opal
Rainbow color, Massive
Kurozakaishi river
Sori, Azuma village, Midori city, Gunma pref.
- Cordierite
Pale blue, Prismatic
Sori, Azuma village, Midori city, Gunma pref.
- Allanite-(Ce)
Black, Prismatic
- Hornblende
Black, Prismatic
- Plagioclase
White, Massive
Kusagi, Azuma village, Midori city, Gunma pref.
- Allanite-(Ce)
Black, Prismatic
- Pyrrhotite
Yellow, Hexagonal platy
- Calcite
White, Granular
Annaka city
Akima River
Nishikami-Akima, Annaka city, Gunma pref.
- Augite
Black, Prismatic
Shimonita city
Nishinomaki Mine
Minami-Nomaki, Shimonita city, Kanra county, Gunma pref.
- Stibnite
Gray, Prismatic
- Realgar
Red, Tabular
- Wakabayashilite
Yellow, Needle
- Orpiment
Yellow, Platy/Radial
Nakamaru Mine
Minami-Nomaki, Shimonita city, Kanra county, Gunma pref.
- Stibnite
Gray, Prismatic
- Hydroxystibioroméite (Hydroxystibioromeite)
Yellow, Prismatic
- Sphalerite
- Kermesite?
- Pyrite
- Tetrahedrite
- Galena
- Anglesite
- Baryte
White, Tabular
- Stilbite
White, Prismatic
Dohira River
Minami-Nomaki, Shimonita city, Kanra county, Gunma pref.
- Wairakite
White, Tetracosahedron
- Calcite
White, Scalenohedral
Naka-Osaka Mine
Naka-Osaka, Shimonita city, Kanra county, Gunma pref.
- Magnetite
Black, Massive
- Pyrite
Yellow, Massive
- Chalcopyrite
Yellow, Massive
- Sphalerite
Black Granular
- Lepidocrocite
Rainbow, Crust
- Calcite
White, Veinlet
- Ankerite
Pale brown, Vein
- Actinolite
Green, Fibrous
Mayama, Shimonita city, Kanra county, Gunma pref.
- Serpentine
Green, Veinlet
- Iron
Silver, Globular
- Awaruite
Silver, Globular
- Magnetite
Black, Granular
Mount Inafukumi
Kuriyama, Shimonita city, Kanra county, Gunma pref.
- Jadeite
White, Massive
- Ferro-taramite
Dark green, Prismatic
- Ferritaramite
Dark green, Prismatic
- Albite
White, Prismatic
- Almandine
Reddish-brown, Massive
- Calcite
White, Massive
- Aragonite
White, Prismatic
Nanmoku city
Omizu Mine
Mukuruma, Nanmoku city, Kanra county, Gunma pref.
- Stibnite
Gray, Prismatic
- Hydroxystibioroméite (Hydroxystibioromeite)
Yellow, Crust
- Sénarmontite (Senarmontite)
Colorless, Octahedral
- Pyrite
Yellow, Granular
- Quartz
Colorless, Granular
- Dolomite
White, Massive
Tozawa Mine
Tozawa, Nanmoku city, Kanra county, Gunma pref.
- Quartz
White, Massive
Tsumagoi city
Ishizu Mine
Imai, Tsumagoi city, Agatsuma county, Gunma pref.
- Sulphur
Yellow, Massive
Joshin Mine
Hoshimata, Tsumagoi city, Agatsuma county, Gunma pref.
- Halloysite-10Å
Brown, Massive
Sessho creek
Hoshimata, Tsumagoi city, Agatsuma county, Gunma pref.
- Minamiite
Clear, Hexagonal tabular
- Huangite
Clear, Hexagonal tabular
- Alunite
Clear, Hexagonal tabular
- Natroalunite
Clear, Hexagonal tabular
- Sulphur
Yellow, Massive
- Pyrite
Brass, Cubic
- Crandallite
Fine crystals
- Woodhouseite
Fine crystals
Hoshimata, Tsumagoi city, Agatsuma county, Gunma pref.
- Sulphur
Yellow, Massive
Nakanojo city
Gunma Mine
Iriyama, Nakanojo city, Agatsuma county, Gunma pref.
- Goethite
Black, Replacing plants
- Limonite
Brown, Massive
- Jarosite
Yellow, Massive
- Schwertmannite
Rainbow, Coating
Shima Mine
Shima, Nakanojo city, Agatsuma county, Gunma pref.
- Pyrophyllite
White, Radial
- Magnesiofoitite
Gray/Blue, Fibrous
- Corundum
Pale brown, Granular
- Diaspore
Clear, Acicular
- Andalusite
Colorless, Prismatic
- Cordierite
Pale blue, Granular
Shima, Nakanojo city, Agatsuma county, Gunma pref.
- Pyrophyllite
White, Radial
- Rutile
Red, Granular
- Titanite
Brown, Granular
- Pyrite
Yellow, Granular
- Hematite
Black, Tabular
- Dumortierite
Pale blue, Massive
Tange Hot Spring
Kami-Sawatari, Nakanojo city, Agatsuma county, Gunma pref.
- Quartz
White, Vein
- Pyrite
Yellow, Fine grains
Kusatsu city
Mount Kusatsu-Shirane, Kusatsu city, Agatsuma county, Gunma pref.
- Sulphur
Yellow, Melted
Shirane Mine
Maeguchi, Kusatsu city, Agatsuma county, Gunma pref.
- Sulphur
Yellow, Massive
- Limonite
Reddish brown, Earthy
Higashi-Agatsuma city
Midosawa Mine
Matsuya, Higashi-Agatsuma city, Agatsuma county, Gunma pref.
- Sericite
White, Massive
- Pyrite
Yellow, Octahedral
- Marcasite
Silver white, Crust
- Siderite
Brown, Grobular
Shibukawa city
Futatsu-dake Peak, Mount Haruna
Ikaho, Ikaho village, Shibukawa city, Gunma pref.
- Hypersthene
Dark brown, Prismatic
- Hornblende
Black, Prismatic
- Anorthite
White, Orthogonal
- beta-Quartz
White, Granular
Momiji bridge
Ikaho, Ikaho village, Shibukawa city, Gunma pref.
- Hypersthene
Dark brown, Granular
- Hornblende
Black, Prismatic
- Anorthite
White, Orthogonal
Maebashi city
Jigoku valley
Akagisan, Fujimi village, Maebashi city, Gunma pref.
- Sulphur
Yellow, Coating
- Siliceous sinter
White, Encrusted
- Limonite
Brown, Encrusted
Ogo village, Maebashi city, Gunma pref.
- Magnesiohornblende
Black, Prismatic
- Hypersthene
Dark brown, Prismatic
- Anorthite
White, Orthogonal
Minakami city
Mount Tanigawa
Yubiso, Minakami city, Tone county, Gunma pref.
- Anthophyllite
Grayish-green, Fibrous
- Chrysotile
Yellow, Fibrous
- Magnetite
Black, Granular
Fujiwara Dam
Fujiwara, Minakami city, Tone county, Gunma pref.
- Clinochlore
Green, Amygdaloidal
- Opal
Pale brown, Amygdaloidal
Minakami Mine
Tanigawa, Minakami city, Tone county, Gunma pref.
- Sphalerite
Brown, Massive
- Pyrite
Yellow, Cubic
- Galena
Dark gray, Massive
- Baryte
White, Tabular
- Quartz
Clear, Prismatic
Ohinata Mine
Obinata, Minakami city, Tone county, Gunma pref.
- Sphalerite
Brown, Massive
- Pyrite
Yellow, Cubic
- Chalcopyrite
Yellow, Massive
- Galena
Dark gray, Massive
- Brianyoungite
White, Crust
- Aurichalcite
Pale blue, Crust
- Azurite
Blue, Tabular
- Brochantite
Green, Tabular
- Chrysocolla
Green, Crust
- Calcite
White, Massive
Amanuma Mine
Namezawa, Minakami city, Tone county, Gunma pref.
- Gold-bearing quartz
White, Network
- Pyrite
Yellow, Granular
- Calcite
White, Massive
Daido Mine
Iri-Sukawa, Minakami city, Tone county, Gunma pref.
- Magnetite
Black, Granular
- Hematite
Red, Earthy
- Zircon
Pink, Transparent
Mount Kawate
Iri-Sukawa, Minakami city, Tone county, Gunma pref.
- Zunyite
White, Tetrahedral
- Limonite
Brown, Massive
- Diaspore
White, Massive
Kawaba city
Kawaba Mine
Yachi, Kawaba city, Tone county, Gunma pref.
- Andradite
Brown, Tetracosahedron
- Calcite
White, Granular
- Quartz
Clear, Prismatic
- Ferro-ferri-hornblende
Green, Thin prismatic
- Epidote
Green, Prismatic
Numata city
Fukiware Fall
Okkai, Tone village, Numata city, Gunma pref.
- Calcite
White, Massive
- Epidote
Pale green, Prismatic
- Chlorite
Dark green, Micaceous
- Pyrite
Yellow, Cubic
- Thulilte(?)
Pink, Massive
Akagine Mine
Kakidaira, Tone village, Numata city, Gunma pref.
- Chalcopyrite
Yellow, Massive
- Sphalerite
Dark brown, Massive
- Galena
Dark gray, Massive
- Calcite
White, Massive
- Fluorite
Colorless, Massive
- Stilbite
White, Platy
- Epidote
Green, Massive
- Azurite
Blue, Prismatic
- Chrysocolla
Blue, Massive
- Aurichalcite
Pale blue, Crust
Tokami Mine
Tokami, Numata city, Gunma pref.
- Galena
Black, Massive
- Chalcopyrite
Yellow, Massive
- Pyrite
Yellow, Granular
- Sphalerite
Dark brown, Granular
- Chlorite
Green, Earthy
- Pyromorphite
Greenish-yellow, Hexagonal prismatic
- Amethyst
Pale purple, Massive
Kazusaka Pass
Numata city, Gunma pref.
- Ferrohornblende
Dark green, Prismatic
- Quartz
Colorless, Prismatic
- Thulite
Pink, Massive
Shirasawa Mine
Takahira, Shirasawa village, Numata city, Gunma pref.
- Magnetite
Black, Octagonal
- Sphalerite
Black, Massive
- Pyrrhotite
Yellow, Massive
- Chalcopyrite
Yellow, Massive
- Pyrite
Yellow, Cubic
- Molybdenite
Gray, Platy
- Hedenbergite
Grayish green, Prismatic
- Ferro-hornblende
Green, Granular
- Bustamite
Pale pink, Fibrous
- Andradite
Brown, Dodecahedral
- Stilpnomelane
Black, Micaceous
- Axinite
Colorless-Pale green, Tabular
- Fluorite
Colorless, Massive
- Cassiterite
Pale brown, Prismatic
- Scheelite
Pale yellow, Octagonal
- Gypsum
Colorless, Prismatic
Katashina city
Nebasawa Mine
Tokura, Katashina city, Tone county, Gunma pref.
- Gold ore
- Pyrite
Yellow, Radial
- Pyrargyrite/Proustite
Red, Coating
- Miargyrite
Black, Massive
- Variscite
Pale blue, Spherical
- Calcite
Pale brown, Massive
Tokura, Katashina city, Tone county, Gunma pref.
- Wairakite
White, Massive
- Dmisteinbergite
White, Micaceous
- Epidote
Green, Prismatic
- Thulite?
Pale red, Massive
- Amphibole
Black, Prismatic
- Rutile
Dark red, Prismatic
Tsuchiide, Katashina city, Tone county, Gunma pref.
- Muscovite
White, Micaceous
- Schorl
Black, Prismatic
- Almandine
Brown, Massive