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Mineral Trail
Localities closed to collecting
Information on closed localities is summaried to avoid visiting in vain.
Akaze (Ishikawa pref.)
It has been closed to collecting, although a book introduced this locality.
Arakawa Mine (Akita pref.)
The locality was closed to mineral collecting. The signboards of warning were build in summer, 2021.
Mount Asama (Nagano pref.)
The area introduced in guide books may be closed to climbing because of danger of eruption. Mt. Ko-Asama, a parasitic cone of Mt. Asama, is permitted to climb. (Spring, 2008)
Azusa Mine (Nagano pref.)
Another name of Kawahage. Closed to collecting.
Fudo Fall (Kanagawa pref.)
Yugawaralite of this locality was appointed to a natural monument of Yugawara city. This locality is a sightseeing spot.
Fuga Mine (Okayama pref.)
Strict warning is posted at the site of the Fuga Mine. (Winter, 2004)
Fukuoka Mine (Gifu pref.)
It is said that there is a sign "No Trespassing". (Spring, 2005)
Mount Gyoja-kaeri (Nara pref.)
Strictly closed to collecting. Policemen patroll around to check invasion of collecters.
Hase Mine (Ibaraki pref.)
This locality is introduced at many web sites, but it was closed to collecting. (Spring, 2005)
Hidaka Mine (Ibaraki pref.)
It seems that the mine is under the water of a dam.
Hiraiwa Mine (Gifu pref.)
There is a "No Trespassing" sign.
Hirasawa (Yamanashi pref.)
Closed to collecting.
Ikeshiro Mine (Shizuoka pref.)
This mine is in the middle of the Wasabi (Japanese pepper) field, and "No Trespassing" sign was Erected. (Fall, 2003)
Ishibaiyama (Ibaraki pref.)
"No Trespassing" sign was erected at the entrance of southern outcrop. (Winter, 2005)
Kamioka Mine "Ikenoyama" (Toyama pref.)
"No Trespassing" sign was erected on the access road to the dump. (Spring, 2004)
Kami-Takeshi (Nagano pref.)
This locality was closed to collecting as it is a natural monument of Ueda city.
Mount Kannabi (Kyoto pref.)
This locality was closed to collecting because quartz hunters disturbed surrounding environments. (Spring, 2008)
Kami-Nagatoro (Saitama pref.)
This locality is a part of natural monument and closed to collecting.
Kami-Sano (Yamanashi pref.)
The famous outcrop was appointed to a natural monument of Yamanashi Prefecture and was closed to collecting.
Kawai Mine (Gifu pref.)
It was closed to collecting. (2009)
Mount Kawate (Gunma pref.)
It was closed to collecting as it is a natural monument.
Kawazu Mine (Shizuoka pref.)
This locality was strictly closed to collecting.
Kawahage (Nagano pref.)
It was closed to collecting.
Kinkei Mine (Nagano pref.)
"No Trespassing" sign was erected on the access road to the mine remain. (Summer, 2010)
Kinzan Valley (Niigata pref.)
The locality introduced in guidebooks was closed to collecting as it was appointed to a natural monument. The signboard is broken by a snow slide.
Kobushi Mine (Nagano pref.)
We need to pay entrance fee to the land owner to collect minerals.
Miyagawa Mine (Nagano pref.)
"No Tresspassing" sign was erected on the access road to the mine.
Mount Asama (Nagano pref.)
The area introduced in guide books may be closed to climbing because of danger of eruption. Mt. Ko-Asama, a parasitic cone of Mt. Asama, is permitted to climb. (Spring, 2008)
Mount Gyoja-kaeri (Nara pref.)
Strictly closed to collecting. Policemen patroll around to check invasion of collecters.
Mount Kannabi (Kyoto pref.)
This locality was closed to collecting because quartz hunters disturbed surrounding environments. (Spring, 2008)
Mount Kawate (Gunma pref.)
It was closed to collecting as it is a natural monument.
Mount Minedera (Ibaraki pref.)
The outcrop of orbicular granite was appinted to a natural monument of Ibaraki prefecture. We can observe the outcrop.
Mount Myoken (Ibaraki pref.)
This locality was appinted to a natural monument by the board of education of Satomi village. "No Carrying out" sign was erected, but we can observe the minerals. (Fall, 2004).
Mount Suisho (Fukushima pref.)
This locality was closed to collecting.
Mount Suisho (Yamanashi pref.)
This locality, also known as Takemori. was closed to collecting.
Mount Takeshi (Nagano pref.)
This locality was closed to collecting as it is a natural monument of Ueda city.
Mount Tokko (Nagano pref.)
This locality was closed to collecting because of religious reason.
Naegi (Gifu pref.)
Stonepits were closed to collecting except members of the mineral collection club of Naegi area.
Nagakuki (Fukushima pref.)
This locality was closed to collecting.
Naka-Toya Mine (Hokkaido)
"No Trespassing" sign was erected on the gate of the access road. (Summer, 2009)
Naru Island (Nagasaki pref.)
It is said that the outcrop was protected by wire nettings, and closed to collecting.
Nekoyama (Kagawa pref.)
The remains of he open pit was buried. (spring, 2005)
Nishinomaki Mine (Gunma pref.)
It is said that this locality was closed to collecting. (Spring, 2010)
Onara (Gunma pref.)
The introduced locality in a book started to dig from 2003 to 2006 and closed to collecting. It is difficult to observe minerals described in the book.
Otome Mine (Yamanashi pref.)
This locality was closed to collecting.
Oyahana bridge (Saitama pref.)
This locality is a part of natural monument and closed to collecting.
Noboribetsu-Oyunuma Pond (Hokkaido)
"No Trespassing" signs were on the lake shore. (Summer, 2009)
Sessho creek (Gunma pref.)
"No Trespassing" signs were erected because of the danger of H2S, although it was introduced in a book. (Summer, 2008)
Shizuka Mine (Nagano pref.)
"No Tresspassing" sign was erected on the access road to the mine.
Simo-Sakuma (Chiba pref.)
This locality was closed to collecting.
Mount Suisho (Fukushima pref.)
This locality was closed to collecting.
Mount Suisho (Yamanashi pref.)
This locality, also known as Takemori. was closed to collecting.
Taguchi Mine (Aichi pref.)
Although there are many guide books published, this locality was strictly closed to collecting by the land owner. Illegal invasion and collecting may be charged with trespassing punishment and theft. There is a signboard by Sitara city office. (Spring, 2013)
Takemori (Yamanashi pref.)
This locality was closed to collecting.
Mount Takeshi (Nagano pref.)
This locality was closed to collecting as it is a natural monument of Ueda city.
Tatarazawa (Nagano pref.)
"No Trespassing" sign was erected. To access this locality, we need a permission of the land owner.
Teine Mine (Hokkaido)
"No Trespassing" sign was erected on the access road during construction for mine maintenance.
Mount Tokko (Nagano pref.)
This locality was closed to collecting because of religious reason.
Urahanda Mine (Fukushima pref.)
"No Trespassing " sign on the access road.
Washinosu Mine (Akita pref.)
"No Trespassing" sign was erected on the access road. (Spring, 2004)
Wada Pass (Nagano pref.)
This locality was closed to collecting, although it was introduced in a book.
Yagyu (Nara pref.)
This locality was closed to collecting. (Summer, 2009)
Yamano-o (Ibaraki pref.)
This locality was strictly closed to collecting.
Yatsuka (Fukushima pref.)
This locality was closed to collecting.
Yukiiri (Ibaraki pref.)
A museum was built on the remain of open pit. We can observe some of minerals as a part of museum exhibition.
Yoji Mine (Nagano pref.)
This locality was closed to collecting, although this mine was introduced in a book.
Yoshio creek (Niigata pref.)
Jade was stolen by using machines, and this localit was closed to collecting. Stolen jade was probably sold as a locality label "Itoigawa". Be aware!
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