Onishi, Fujioka city, Gunma pref., Japan

Field of view: 30 mm. Albite veins. The groups of tabular white crystals at the right half are albite exhibiting perfect cleavage. The grayish-green part at the left is serpentinite with weak schistosity. There are two types of albite veins: the vein concordant with the schistosity and the vein vertical to the schistosity. The albite grains in the vertical vein are larger.
Recovered from serpentinite in an accretionary complex subjected to Greenschist facies high-pressure metamorphism. Formed in the Late Cretaceous (70 Ma).
Other localities
- Asahine (PA facies, Prismatic)
- Yashio Mine (GS facies Serpentinite, Vein)
- Hirukawa (Pegmatite, Platy)