Kamibishi, Hishi village, Kiryu city, Gunma pref., Japan
Source for Sulfuric acid

Field of view: 30 mm. Euhedral crystals of pyrite. The yellow cubes are pyrite. The brown host is siliceous shale.
Recovered from siliceous shale, a matrix of accretionay complex, near a bedded manganese deposit subjected to Albite-Epidote-hornfels facies contact metamorphism.
Pyrite from this location was described in 2012.
Other localities
- Chichibu Mine (Hydrothermal Skarn, Cubic)
- Waga-Sennin Mine (Metasomatic Skarn, Cubic)
- Harimichi Pass (Sericitization, Variety)
- Awashiro Mine (Sericitization, Octahedral)
- Hongo Mine (Hydrothermal, Octahedral)
- Mikawa Mine (Hydrothermal, Cubic)
- Mogurazawa Mine (Mn Skarn, Cubic)
- Iwaisawa Mine (Bedded Mn, Filmy)
- Kanasaki (Besshi, Massive)
- Iwadono Mine (Besshi, Cubic)
- Unosaki (Mudstone, Scepter)