Gosho, Yoshimi city, Hiki county, Saitama pref., Japan
Source for Sulfuric acid

Field of view: 3 mm. An euhedral crystal of pyrite perched on quartz. The yellow cube with striations is pyrite. The cubic crystal of pyrite is composed of (100) faces. The transparent prisms underlying pyrite are quartz crystals. The opaque white basement is gangue quartz.
Recovered from an open space of a quartz vein in amphibolite formed by Amphibolite facies metamorphism. Formed in the early Eocene (55 Ma).
Pyrite from this location was described in 1940.
Other localities
- Chichibu Mine (Hydrothermal Skarn, Cubic)
- Waga-Sennin Mine (Metasomatic Skarn, Cubic)
- Harimichi Pass (Sericitization, Variety)
- Awashiro Mine (Sericitization, Octahedral)
- Hongo Mine (Hydrothermal, Octahedral)
- Mikawa Mine (Hydrothermal, Cubic)
- Mogurazawa Mine (Mn Skarn, Cubic)
- Iwaisawa Mine (Bedded Mn, Filmy)
- Kanasaki (Besshi, Massive)
- Iwadono Mine (Besshi, Cubic)
- Unosaki (Mudstone, Scepter)