Sanbagawa, Fujioka city, Gunma pref., Japan
IMA approved name
Clinozoisite var. clinothulite

Field of view: 10 mm. A group of clinothulite. The pale pink prisms are clinothulite. The massive white parts in the interstices of clinothulite prisms are anorthite of metagabbro.
Recovered from metagabbro associated with serpentinite in an accretionary complex subjected to Greenschist facies high-pressure metamorphism.
Clinothulite from this location was described in 1982.
Other localities
- Iri-Karuizawa (Rhyolite, Prismatic)
- Kurotani Valley (Metamorphic, Vein)
- Onara (Metagabbro, Prismatic)
- Kamioka Mine (Skarn, Massive)