Minami-Nomaki, Shimonita city, Kanra county, Gunma pref., Japan

Field of view: 20 mm. Wairakite associated with calcite. The group of opaque white trapezohedral crystals are wairakite. The translucent white parts at the top is calcite filling interstices of wairakite. The grayish-green host at the left is andesite.
Recovered from a calcite vein in an andesitic dike intruded in andesitic tuff breccia filling a caldera. Formed in the late Miocene (6 Ma).
Other localities
- Nakayashiki (Hyaloclastite, Trapezohedral)
- Obora Path (Hyaloclastite, Transparent)
- Dohira river (Andesite, Vein)