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Minerals from Tokyo metropolis
Prefectural Mineral: Clinoenstatite of Chichi-jima (Father island)
Geology | Fossils | Hot springs
Minerals reported from Tokyo prefecture
A list of minerals observed at 18 locations in Tokyo metropolis, Kanto region, Honshu island, Japan
Localities described below may be now closed to collecting by authorities or land owners.
Okutama city
Okutama Mine
Hikawa, Okutama city, Nishi-tama county, Tokyo
- Caryopilite
- Rhodochrosite
- Tephroite
Grayish-blue, Massive
- Ganophyllite
Yellowish-brown, Micaceous
- Ice/Water
Colorless, Dendritic
Kiyokawa Mine
Nippara, Okutama city, Nishi-tama county, Tokyo
- Wiserite
Pale brown, Fibrous
- Hausmannite
- Jacobsite
- Rhodochrosite
- Rhodonite
Shiromaru Mine
Shiromaru, Okutama city, Nishi-Tama county, Tokyo
- Copper
Copper red
- Braunite
Black, Massive
- Cinnabar
- Strontianite
White, Radial
- Marsturite
Yellow, Massive
- Ganophyllite
Pale yellow, Micaceous
- Eggletonite
Yellowish-brown, Micaceous
- Tamaite
Yellowish-brown, Micaceous
- Cymrite
White, Tiny
- Celsian
White, Massive
- Hyalophane
White, Massive
- Banalsite
White, Massive
- Piemontite-Sr
Red, Prismatic
- Sérandite(Serandite)
Pink, Prismatic
- Tokyoite
Red, Granular
- Edingtonite
- Harmotome
White, Prismatic
Ome city
Hinata-Wada, Ome city, Tokyo
- Chabazite-Sr
Clear, Granular
- Harmotome
Clear, Prismatic
- Baryte
Clear, Tabular
Tokyo Coal Mine
Osoki, Ome city, Tokyo
- Lignite
Hinode city
Oguno, Hinode city, Nishi-Tama county, Tokyo
- Serpentine
Green, Massive
- Amphibole
Dark green, Massive
- Melilite
White, Massive
- Glaucophane
Bluish-gray, Fibrous
- Lawsonite
White, Short prismatic
Mount Katsubo
Oguno, Hinode city, Nishi-Tama county, Tokyo
- Calcite
Clear, Granular
Akiruno city
Otake Cave
Yozawa, Akiruno city, Tokyo
- Aragonite
White, Stalactic
- Calcite
White, Massive
Shintani Mine
Yozawa, Akiruno city, Tokyo
- Caryopilite
Brown, Massive
- Rhodochrosite
Pink, Veinlet
- Baryte?
White, Veinlet
- Hausmannite
Brown, Massive
- Sussexite
White to pink, Fibrous
Tateya, Akiruno city, Tokyo
- Glendonite
Black-Gray, Bipyramidal
- Pyrite
Yellow, Globular
Coal mine of Itsukaichi
Kosho, Akiruno city, Tokyo
- Bituminous coal
Black, Massive
Todohara, Akiruno city, Tokyo
- Gypsum
Clear, Prismatic
- Sulphur
Yellow, Powdery
Kowada, Akiruno city, Tokyo
- Siderite
Pale brown, Lamellar
Hachioji city
Asa river
Hachioji city, Tokyo
- Copal/Young amber
Brown, Massive
Izu-Oshima Island
Nomashi, Oshima city, Tokyo
- Atacamite
Hachijo island
Hachijo Island
Sueyoshi, Hachijo city, Hachijo island, Tokyo
- Anorthite(Sunstone)
White/Red, Floater
- Forsterite
Green, Floater
- Copper
Red, in anorthite
- Halite
White, Cubic
Iwo Jima island
Iwo Jima
Iwo Jima, Ogasawara city, Tokyo
- Sulphur
Yellow, Pyramidal
Southern Beach
Iwo Jima, Ogasawara city, Tokyo
- Andesine
White, Tabular