Okuno, Hinode city, Nishitama county, Tokyo metropolis, Japan
Matrix serpentinite of Kurosegawa Belt, a part of pre-Jurassic complex. This outcrop is one on the eastern end of Kurosegawa Belt, which distributes from Kyushu island.

Outcrop of serpentinite. The outcrop is composed of dark green massive serpentinite. This serpentinite includes tectonic blocks such as amphibolite, glaucophane schist, and granite.
Reported Minerals
- Serpentine
- Hornblende
- Meilite
- Glaucophane
- Lawsonite
- Almandine
Mineral Assemblages
- Serpentinite - Serpentine
- Amphibolite - Hornblende
- Glaucophane schist - Glaucophane - Melilite - Lawsonite
- Granite - Almandine
- Hosoyama (Ophicalcite)
- Kimitake Mine (Ni minerals)
- Natsume Mine (Fe-Ni deposit)
- Nakauri mine (Cu-Fe-Ni deposit)
- Ninomiya (Cu-Fe-Ni deposit)
- Sakamoto (Matrix of Tectonic Belt)