Nippara, Okutama city, Nishi-tama county, Tokyo, Japan
Source for manganese

Field of view: 10 mm. Massive hausmannite. The light brown to dark brown part is aggregate of fine hausmannite crystals. The white veins are Rhodochrosite.
Recovered from a chert-hosted bedded manganese deposit subjected to weak Prehnite-Pumpellyite to Zeolite facies metamorphism.
Hausmannite from this location was described in 1973.

Field of view: 10 mm. Hausmannite associated with jacobsite. The brown parts are a massive group of fine hausmannite crystals. The white to pale pink vein at the top is rhodochrosite. The black vein traversing laterally at the center is aggregate of fine Jacobsite crystals.
Other localities
- Taguchi Mine (Bedded Mn, AM facies)
- Kiyokawa Mine (Bedded Mn, Zeo facies)
- Kusama Mine (Bedded Mn, Zeo facies)
- Kurokawa Mine (Mn skarn)
- Mogurazawa Mine (Mn skarn)