Lower shoreface
Depth of water
6 - 7 meter depth - Fair-weather wave base (6 - 20 m)
Erosion and deposition by storm-weather waves are dominant much more than currents. Mud is removed fine sands are sorted by oscillatory flows generated by fair-weather waves. Longshore bars are eroded by storm-weather waves and sands are supplied.
Sedimentary facies (Sediments)
Fine sands graded well, and silt.
Sedimentary facies (Structures)
Hummocky cross-stratification formed by combination of oscillatory flows by storm-weather waves with bottom current toward ocean side. Paralle stratification.
Sedimentary systems
Components of shallow marine systems
- Beach ridge
- Interbarnal lowland (Ridge)
- Eolian dune
- Interdune lowland
- Salt marsh
- Backshore
- Foreshore
- Tidal flat
- Tidal channel
- Beach rock
- Lagoon
- Flood tidal delta
- Washover fan
- Upper shoreface
- Barrier island
- Sand spit, Longshore bar
- Ebb tidal delta
- Lower shoreface
- Inner shelf
- Outer shelf
- Sand wave
- Sand ridge
- Tsunami
- Transgressive lag