Bay, Gulf
Shallow marine
A sedimentary system composed of a series of sedimentary facies at seashores surrounded by lands such as peninsula. The facies are less subjected to the influences of waves and currents than storm-dominated shelf. Bays are protected from waves and currents by sand spits, longshore bars and barrier islands at the entrances of bays.

Schematic diagram of bay and gulf. Salt marsh and tidal flat are developed at the seashore.
Sedimentary facies
- Salt marsh
- Tidal flat
- Tidal channel
- Beach rock
- Upper shoreface
- Sand spit, Longshore bar
- Lower shoreface
- Inner shelf
- Outer shelf
- Shelf edge
- Tsunami
Other sedimentary systems
- [ Marine ]
- Storm-dominated shelf
- Tide-dominated shelf
- Ocean current-dominated shelf
- Bay, Gulf
- Barrier island, Sand spit, Longshore bar
- Organic reef
- Mangrove marsh
- [ Deep sea ]
- Submarine fan (Passive)
- Submarine fan (Forearc basin)
- Trench
- Abyssal plain
- [ Ocean / River ]
- Tidal river
- Delta
- Fan delta
- Estuary