Salt marsh
Saltmarsh, Tidal marsh
Depth of water
Supratidal zone - Ebb tide
Salty wet lands along the coasts. Glasses such as genus Phragmites grow in the temperate zones. Characteristic biota such as genus Vicarya in the coastal forest of mangroves in the subtropical and tropical zones.
Sedimentary facies (Sediments)
Sands and mud graded poorly. A lot of traces of salt-tolerant plants.
Sedimentary facies (Structures)
Massive. Strongly subjected to the bioturbation.
Facies fossils
Mangroves (Plants), Vicarya sp. (Gastropods)
Sedimentary systems
Components of shallow marine systems
- Beach ridge
- Interbarnal lowland (Ridge)
- Eolian dune
- Interdune lowland
- Salt marsh
- Backshore
- Foreshore
- Tidal flat
- Tidal channel
- Beach rock
- Lagoon
- Flood tidal delta
- Washover fan
- Upper shoreface
- Barrier island
- Sand spit, Longshore bar
- Ebb tidal delta
- Lower shoreface
- Inner shelf
- Outer shelf
- Sand wave
- Sand ridge
- Tsunami
- Transgressive lag