Naka, Shimoda city, Shizuoka pref., Japan
Source for silicon

Field of view: 50 mm. Radial groups of quartz. The radial groups of translucent white prisms are quartz grown on hexagonal prisms of quartz. The top of the specimen is covered with another quartz crust.
Recovered from a quartz vein in a moderate-temperature hydrothermal deposit associated with andesitic to basaltic pyroclastic rocks of an oceanic arc subjected to propylitization alteration. Formed in the late Miocene (7.5 Ma).
Quartz from this location was described in 1928.
Other localities
- Kobushi Mine (Skarn, Japanese twin)
- Sanjyo Mine (Skarn, Japanese twin)
- Akatani Mine (Skarn, Green)
- Hirukawa (Pegmatite, Black)
- Otome Mine (Alpine Fissure)
- Takemori (Alpine Fissure, Phantom/Double pointed/Inclusions)
- Mount Ogawa (Alpine Fissure)
- Takaneyama Mine (Hydrothermal, Radial)
- Arakawa Mine (Hydrothermal)