TrekGEO > Mineral Trail > Tohoku region > Akita pref. > Kisan-mori Mine

Japanese page

Kisan-mori Mine

Kyowa-Funaoka, Daisen city, Akita pref., Japan


Kisamori Mine


Moderate-T hydrothermal deposit

Moderate temperature hydrothermal deposit formed by Miocene - Pliocene (7.2 - 4.4 Ma) quartz porphyry of Nibetsu Granite intruded in altered pyroxene andesite lava and pyroclastic rocks of Oligocene - Miocene Yamayakawa Formation.

A scientific report in 1901 by Yaichiro Wakabayashi, mining engineer of this mine, suggests that the name of this mine is Kisan-mori, not Kisamori.

Reported Minerals

Mineral Assemblages

  • Quartz(Gangue) - Chalcopyrite - Galena
  • Malachite - Azurite
  • Brochantite - Linarite
  • Chrysocolla - Leadhillite
  • Pyromorphite - Tsumebite
  • Pyromorphite - Hinsdalite - Osarizawaite
  • Pyromorphite - Hinsdalite - Beaverite
  • Formed in the following order: Phosphate(Pyromorphite) - Phosphate+Sulfate(Hinsdalite) - Sulfate(Osarizawaite+Beaverite)
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