TrekGEO > Mineral Trail > Koshinetsu region > Ishikawa pref. > Takami Mine

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Takami Mine

Gokoji village, Komatsu city, Ishikawa pref., Japan


Gokoji Mine


Moderate-T hydrothermal deposit

Cu-Pb-Zn Moderate temperature hydrothermal deposit in the early Miocene (17 Ma) Iwaine Formation, Yatsuo Group. Iwaine Formation is composed of andesite lava and andesitic pyroclastic rocks, and conformably underlies the middle Miocene (15 Ma) Iozen Formation. The Iozen Formation is composed of rhyolite lava and rhyolitic pyroclastic rocks of continental to marine facies associated with lacustrine facies sediments. The Iozen Rhyolites may be the pyroclastic flow from a Miocene caldera. Iwaine Formation and Iozen Formation are formed by volcanic activity of island arc associated with opening of the Japan Sea. Ages of volcanic rocks were determined by K-Ar radiometric dating and fission track dating of zircon.

Takami Mine

Outcrop of Cu-Pb-Zn vein in andesitic tuff of the Iwaine Formation. The notched zone from the top to the bottom of this photograph is the ore vein. Both sides of the vein is pale brown andesitic tuff. The vein is composed of quartz, galena, and sphalerite. No significant modification of tuff was observed near the vein.

Reported Minerals

  • Cerussite
  • Anglesite
  • Brochantite
  • Sphalerite
  • Chalcopyrite
  • Pyrite
  • Galena
  • Amethyst

Mineral Assemblages

  • Quartz(Gangue) - Galena - Cerussite
  • Quartz(Gangue) - Chalcopyrite - Pyrite
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