Kyowa-Funaoka, Daisen city, Akita pref., Japan
Source for copper

Field of view: 10 mm. Acicular malachite. The radial groups of acicular pale green crystals are malachite. The white basement is prismatic crystals of gangue quartz encrusted with brown limonite.
Recovered from an open space of a quartz vein in a meteoric oxidation zone of a moderate-temperature hydrothermal deposit in andesitic pyroclastics formed by dacite probably associated with volcanic activity of a caldera.
Malachite from this location was described in 1901.
Other localities
- Kisan-mori Mine (Hydrothermal, Radial)
- Mikawa Mine (Hydrothermal, Botryoidal)
- Okorogawa Mine (Hydrothermal, Crust)
- Takatori Mine (Pneumatolytic, Fibrous)
- Kamioka Mine (Pneumatolytic Skarn, Crust)
- Myoho Mine (Sediment-hosted Cu, Crust)
- Kusama Mine (Bedded Mn, Reniform)