Shimobe, Minobu city, Minami-Koma county, Yamanashi pref., Japan
Source for copper

Field of view: 5 mm. Malachite associated with chalcocite. The dark green crust is malachite. The surrounding pale green globules are brochantite.
Recovered from a meteoric oxidation zone of a sediment-hosted Cu deposit subjected to Prehnite-Pumpellyite facies metamorphism. Formed in less than 50 years after the mine was closed,
Malachite from this location was described in 1940.
Other localities
- Kisan-mori Mine (Hydrothermal, Radial)
- Mikawa Mine (Hydrothermal, Botryoidal)
- Okorogawa Mine (Hydrothermal, Crust)
- Takatori Mine (Pneumatolytic, Fibrous)
- Kamioka Mine (Pneumatolytic Skarn, Crust)
- Myoho Mine (Sediment-hosted Cu, Crust)
- Kusama Mine (Bedded Mn, Reniform)