TrekGEO > Mineral Trail > Minerals from Miyagi prefecture

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Miyagi prefecture

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Minerals from Miyagi prefecture

Prefectural Mineral: Gold nuggets of Wakutani

Geology | Fossils | Hot springs

Minerals reported from Miyagi prefecture

A list of minerals observed at 4 locations in Miyagi prefecture, Tohoku region, Honshu island, Japan

Geological settings

Sediments (Quaternary - Neogene)

Sediments (Palogene - Mesozoic)

Island arc volcanoes

Caldera complexes (Quaternary, Neogene)

Plutonic rocks (Magnetite series)

Plutonic rocks (Ilmenite series)

Low-P metamorphic rocks (Cretaceous)

Localities described below may be now closed to collecting by authorities or land owners.

Shiroishi city

Mount Ametsuka / Shichirizawa Mine

Obara, Shiroishi city, Miyagi pref.

Kawasaki city


Motoisago, Kawasaki city, Shibata county, Miyagi pref.

Sendai city


Goroku, Aoba-ku, Sendai city, Miyagi pref.

Zao city


Daikokuten, Zao city, Katta county, Miyagi pref.

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