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Geology of Miyagi prefecture
Prefectural Rock: Slate of Tome city and Ishinomaki city
Minerals | Fossils | Hot springs
Geological units reported from Miyagi prefecture
A list of stratigraphic units and igneous bodies reported in Miyagi prefecture, Tohoku region, Honshu island, Japan
Geological settings
Sediments (Quaternary - Neogene)
Sediments (Palogene - Mesozoic)
Caldera complexes (Quaternary, Neogene)
Plutonic rocks (Magnetite series)
Plutonic rocks (Ilmenite series)
Low-P metamorphic rocks (Cretaceous)
Guidebooks of geology in Miyagi prefecture
Geology guide of Miyagi prefecture, Miyagiken Kotogakko Rikakenkyukai Chigakubukai ed., Hobundo, 159p. (1975), in Japanese
Sunday Geology-18 Nature of Miyagi, Sadako Takeuchi ed., Tsukiji Shokan Publishing Co., Ltd., 254p. (1991), in Japanese, ISBN4-8067-1023-7 C1044