Mount Ametsuka / Santai Mine
Obara, Shiroishi city, Miyagi pref., Japan
This locality is closed to collecting.
IMA approved name
Quartz var. amethyst
Source for silicon

Length of the upper most crystal: 20 mm. Crystals of amethyst. The prismatic crystal at the top has striations vertical to the prism elongation.
Recovered from an open space of a galena- and argentite-bearing amethyst vein in rhyolite of a low-temperature hydrothermal deposit.
Amethyst from this location was described in 1893.
Other localities
- Kosaka Mine (Kuroko, Amethyst)
- Urahanda Mine (Hydrothermal, Amethyst)
- Mount Ametsuka (Hydrothermal, Amethyst)
- Manju Mine (Hydrothermal, Amethyst)
- Yashu Mine (Hydrothermal, Amethyst)