Peru, Bolivia, Brazil, Paraguay
Peru (Amazonas, Ayacucho, Apurímac, Cuzco),
Bolivia (La Paz, Cochabamba, Santa Cruz, Tarija),
Brazil (Paraiba Pernambuco, Bahia, Minas Gerais, Goias, Mato Grosso, Paraná, São Paulo, Rio Grande do Sul),
60 - 2,300 m elevation
Epiphytic, Saxicolous in sun
Tillandsia streptocarpa
Tillandsia (Phytarrhiza) streptocarpa Baker (1887)
- [ Etymology ] strepto + carpus in Latin (twisted + fruit)
- There is an opinion that it is conspecific with Tillandsia paleacea.
- The rosette is compoosed of long leaves covered with trichomes.
- [ Width ] 20 cm
- [ Height ] 20 cm
- [ Genus ] Tillandsia
- [ Subgenus ] Phytarrhiza
- [ Species ] streptocarpa
- [ Varieties ]
- aureiflora (Yellow flowers)
- filifolia => Tillandsia streptocarpa
- peruviana => Tillandsia streptocarpa
- pungens => Tillandsia streptocarpa
- streptocarpa
- [ Synonyms ]
- Tillandsia apoloensis Rusby (1910)
- Tillandsia bakeriana Britton (1889)
- Tillandsia condensata Baker (1889)
- Tillandsia duratii Visiani (1841) subsp. streptocarpa (Baker) Halda (2005)
- Tillandsia retrorsa Silveira (1931)
- Tillandsia soratensis Baker (1887)
Informations summarized here are based on our experiences, and TrekGEO does not guarantee the results by cultivating in the same or similar conditions described here. Even a species of Tillandsia differs substantially between individuals, and is very sensitive in changes of environments. Applicatons of any idea inspired by this site should be at your own risks.
2nd Plant
- Cultivation condition
- Partial sun, Dipping, Shelving, AC / Heater
- Mar. 2025 Inflorescences began to grow from 2 foliages of the clump.
- Up to this point
- Partial sun, Long soaking, Shelving, AC / Heater
- Nov. 2021 It keeps growing.
- Up to this point
- Partial shade, Long soaking, Shelving, Summer AC
- Apr. 2020 2 offsets keep growing.
- Up to this point
- Partial shade, Long soaking,
- Shelving, Indoors
- Apr. 2018 2 offsets began to grow at the base of the inflorescence.
- Feb. 2018 The inflorescence has broken at the middle.
- Dec. 2017 An inflorescence began to grow.
- Jul. 2017 Good condition.
1st Plant
- Cultivation condition
- Partial shade, Long soaking, Shelving, Indoors
- May 2008 It died.
- Sep. 2007 Most of leaves died and only 3 leaves remained at the growing point. Probably it was damaged by scale insects.
- Jan. 2007 The foliage turned light purple.
- Oct. 2006 Moved to another site. Cultivation condition is almost same as the previous site.
- Dec. 2004 The foliage turned light purple.
- Aug. 2004 The temperature rises above 30 °C for 40 days, and the highest temperature was over 39 °C.
- Dec. 2003 The foliage turned light purple.