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Minerals reported from Kyoto prefecture, Japan
- 320 mineral species (284 approved species, 36 varieties and groups), 14 geological substances
- First description in the world: 4 species.
- First description in Japan: 29 species
Mineral species and geological substances reported from Kyoto prefecture in citable journal papers and books. The list includes approved minerals, varieties, field names, group names, and organic matters.
Photographs of outcrops and minerals in Kyoto prefeture
- Previous works
- 3 approved species; Tsunashiro Wada, Nihon kobutsu-shi, Japan, 275p. (1904)
- 13 species (12 approved species, a variety); Kotora Jimbo, Nobuyo Fukuchi, and Tozo Takimoto, Nihon kobutsu-shi, 2nd ed., Japan, 357p. (1916)
- 116 species (89 approved species, 24 varieties and groups, 3 organic matters); Kazunosuke Masutomi and Heihachiro Uchiyama, Kyotofu Kobutsu-shi, Nihon Kobutsu Shumino-kai, Japan, 240p. (1940)
- Year of the first description (XXX indicates ubiquitous minerals but no description was found), Mineral name, Comments
- Comments: Type loc. (First description in the world), 1st (First description in Japan), 2nd (Second description in Japan), ..., Discreded (Misidentified description)
- 1940, Actinolite
- 1940, Adularia
- 2000, Aegirine-augite
- 1940, Agate
- 2005, Akhtenskite
- 1962, Alabandite
- 1940, Albite
- 1902, Allanite-(Ce)
- 1963, Alleghanyite
- 1973, Alloclasite, 2nd
- 1957, Allophane
- 1940, Almandine
- 1897, Amphibole supergroup
- 1940, Analcime
- 1951, Anatase
- 1900, Andalusite
- 2008, Andesine
- 1980, Anglesite
- 1940, Annite
- 1897, Anorthite
- 2011, Anthoinite
- 1974, Anthophyllite
- 1964, Antigorite
- 1897, Apatite group, Mostly Fluorapatite
- 1940, Apophyllite group, Mostly Apophyllite-(KF)
- 1966, Aragonite
- 1956, Argentite
- 1940, Arsenolite, 2nd
- 1901, Arsenopyrite
- 1987, Augite
- 1964, Aurichalcite
- 1961, Autunite
- 1940, Axinite-(Fe)
- 1962, Axinite-(Mn)
- 1964, Azurite
- 1947, Baryte, Barite
- 1941, Bastite
- 1980, Bastnäsite-(Ce), Bastnasite-(Ce)
- 2005, Bavenite, 1st
- 1975, Bertrandite, 2nd
- 1935, Beryl
- 1977, Beudantite, 1st
- 1897, Biotite series
- 1956, Birnessite, 2nd
- 1966, Bismite
- 1962, Bismuth
- 1917, Bismuthinite
- 1980, Bismutite
- 1968, Böhmite, Bohmite, Doubtful
- 1940, Bornite
- 1966, Boulangerite
- 1962, Braunite
- 1973, Breithauptite, 2nd
- 1974, Brochantite
- 1952, Bronzite
- 1980, Brookite
- 1939, Brucite, 1st
- 2008, Cacoxenite
- 1897, Calcite
- 1962, Caryopilite, as Bementite
- 1900, Cassiterite
- 1975, Celsian, 3rd
- 1940, Cerussite
- 1940, Chabazite series
- 1952, Chalcanthite
- 1895, Chalcedony
- 1940, Chalcocite
- 1973, Chalcophanite, 3rd
- 1876, Chalcopyrite
- 2016, Chamosite
- 1950, Chevkinite-(Ce), Corrected to Perrierite-(Ce) in 1953.
- 1949, Chlorite group
- 1941, Chrome ochre
- 1940, Chromite
- 1940, Chrysocolla
- 1968, Chrysotile
- 1957, Cinnabar
- 1964, Clinochlore
- 1963, Clino-ferro-suenoite, as Mangano-grunerite
- 1993, Clinojimthompsonite, 2nd
- 1967, Clino-suenoite, as Dannemorite
- 1940, Clinozoisite, Thulite
- 1973, Cobaltite
- 1964, Cobaltpentlandite, 3rd
- 1961, Coffinite
- 1940, Copper
- 1890, Cordierite, 3rd
- 1973, Corundum
- 1966, Cosalite, 2nd
- 1996, Covellite
- 1958, Cristobalite
- 1956, Cryptomelane
- 1957, Cubanite
- 1974, Cummingtonite
- 1940, Cuprite
- 1917, Cuprotungstite, 3rd
- 1985, Cymrite
- 1940, Fayalite
- 1932, Feldspar group
- 1959, Ferberite
- 1938, Fergusonite-(Y)
- 1940, Ferrimolybdite
- 2015, Ferroindialite, 1st, as Indialite in 2014.
- 2020, Fluellite, 2nd
- 1980, Fluocerite-(Ce), 1st
- 1998, Fluorapatite
- 1940, Fluorite
- 1895, Forsterite
- 1940, Gadolinite-(Y)
- 2002, Gageite
- 1969, Galaxite
- 1894, Galena
- 1967, Ganophyllite
- 1899, Garnet group
- 2005, Genthelvite, 1st
- 2004, Gibbsite
- 1940, Goethite, 3rd
- 1940, Gold
- 1900, Graphite
- 1940, Greenockite
- 1899, Grossular
- 1940, Gypsum
- 1980, Halloysite-7Å
- 1975, Hastingsite
- 1952, Hausmannite
- 1940, Hedenbergite
- 2002, Helvine
- 1940, Hematite
- 1974, Hemimorphite
- 1974, Hetaerolite, 3rd
- 1936, Heulandite series
- 1925, Hornblende series, Mostly Magnesio-hornblende
- 1959, Hübnerite, Hubnerite
- 1937, Hyalite
- 1962, Hyalophane
- 1982, Hydrogrossular
- 1996, Hydrokenoelsmoreite, Ferritungstite, 3rd
- 1981, Hydrotungstite, 1st
- 1974, Hydrozincite
- 1990, Hypersthene
- 2007, Kaersutite
- 2005, Kainosite-(Y), 3rd
- 2005, Kamphaugite-(Y), 1st
- 1995, Kaňkite, Kankite, 3rd
- 1962, Kaolinite
- 2007, Kellyite
- 1966, Kenoargentotetrahedrite-(Fe)
- 1975, Kinoshitalite, 2nd
- 1950, Kobeite-(Y), Type loc.
- 1975, Kyanite
- 1925, Labradorite
- 1996, Langite
- 1940, Laumontite
- 1996, Lepidocrocite
- 2007, Leucophoenicite, 1st
- 1975, Lithiophorite
- 1984, Lizardite
- 2008, Löllingite, Lollingite
- 1962, Mackinawite, as Valleriite
- 1965, Magnesite
- 1940, Magnetite
- 1940, Malachite
- 1982, Manganhumite, 1st
- 1939, Manganite
- 1940, Manganoan calcite
- 1939, Manganosite
- 1940, Marcasite
- 1964, Margarite, 2nd
- 1987, Matildite
- 1966, Mawsonite, 1st
- 1966, Melanterite
- 2021, Meurigite-K, 1st
- 1973, Metauranocircite
- 1949, Microcline
- 2002, Milarite, 3rd
- 1908, Molybdenite
- 1940, Molybdite, 1st, Corrected to Ferrimolybdite
- 2010, Momoiite, Type loc.
- 1950, Monazite-(Ce)
- 1940, Montmorillonite
- 1940, Mordenite, as Ptilolite
- 2011, Mpororoite, 1st
- 1900, Muscovite
- 2021, Natrodufrénite, Natrodufrenite, 1st
- 2006, Natrojarosite
- 1940, Neotocite, as Penwithite
- 1899, Nepheline, 1st
- 2020, Nevadaite, 1st
- 1971, Nickeline
- 1943, Nsutite, 2nd
- 1974, Palygorskite
- 1964, Paragonite
- 1979, Pargasite
- 1962, Pentlandite
- 1970, Periclase, 1st
- 1953, Perrierite-(Ce), Described as Chevkinite-(Ce) in 1950.
- 2004, Petscheckite, 3rd
- 1977, Pharmacosiderite
- 1928, Phillipsite-Ca, Corrected to Stilbite in 1940.
- 1959, Phlogopite, as Manganophyllite
- 2008, Phosphosiderite
- 1900, Piemontite
- 1895, Plagioclase series
- 1964, Polybasite
- 1960, Polycrase-(Y)
- 1998, Powellite
- 1903, Prehnite, 2nd
- 1978, Pseudomalachite, 2nd
- 1999, Pseudorutile, 1st
- 1961, Pumpellyite-(Al)
- 1982, Pumpellyite-(Mg), 2nd
- 1875, Pyrite
- 1964, Pyrochroite
- 1916, Pyrolusite
- 1974, Pyromorphite
- 1959, Pyrophanite
- 1940, Pyrophyllite
- 1969, Pyrosmalite-(Fe)
- 1964, Pyroxene
- 1964, Pyroxferroite, 3rd
- 1940, Pyroxmangite, as Rhodonite
- 1894, Pyrrhotite
- 1977, Raspite, 1st
- 1957, Realgar
- 1932, Rhodochrosite
- 1895, Rhodonite group
- 2002, Ribbeite
- 1987, Roquesite
- 1974, Rozenite, as Siderotil in 1968.
- 1996, Russellite, 2nd
- 1975, Rutile
- 1941, Saponite
- 1900, Scheelite
- 1930, Schorl
- 1940, Scorodite
- 1996, Sekaninaite
- 1963, Sepiolite
- 1900, Serpentine
- 1996, Serpierite
- 2013, Shigaite, 2nd
- 1940, Siderite
- 1972, Siderotil
- 1949, Sillimanite
- 1940, Silver
- 1974, Smithsonite
- 1962, Sonolite, Type loc.
- 1940, Spessartine
- 1894, Sphalerite
- 1974, Spinel
- 1894, Stannite
- 1966, Stannoidite, Type loc.
- 1976, Staurolite
- 1996, Stellerite
- 1900, Stibnite
- 1936, Stilbite series
- 1970, Stilpnomelane
- 1977, Stolzite, 1st
- 2020, Strengite, 6th
- 1940, Sulphur
- 1940, Talc
- 1987, Tennantite series
- 1950, Tephroite
- 1957, Tetrahedrite series
- 1968, Thorogummite
- 1962, Thortveitite, 1st
- 1969, Tinzenite
- 1990, Titanaugite
- 1951, Titanite
- 1974, Todorokite
- 1940, Topaz
- 1917, Tourmaline supergrouup
- 1970, Tremolite
- 1965, Troilite, 1st
- 1997, Tschermakite
- 1917, Tungstite, 2nd
- 2011, Weddellite, 2nd
- 2022, Whewellite, 1st
- 2000, Winchite
- 1980, Wiserite
- 1969, Wittichenite
- 1917, Wolframite, Mostly Ferberite
- 1899, Wollastonite
- 1966, Wulfenite
- 1910, Orbicular rhyolite
- 1978, Accretionary lapilli
- 1978, Orthoquartzite
- 1901, Limonite
- 1897, Asbestos
- 1963, Laterite
- 1939, Garnierite
- 1940, Stalactite
- 1940, Dendrite
- 1890, Coal
- 1900, Peat
- 1966, Charcoal