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Graphite (Photo) [abbr. Gr ]
Year of discovery: Prehistoric (World), 1891 (Japan)
Locality list: 423 localities of graphite
- Polymorph: Diamond (Cubic), Chaoite (Hexagonal), Lonsdaleite (Hexagonal)
- Color: Black, Dark gray
- Streak: Black, Dark gray
- Luster: Sub-Metallic
- Diaphaneity: Opaque
- Habit: Platy on {0001}
- Aggregate: Radial, Amygdalodial
- Striation: Triangle shape on {0001}
- Twin: {11-21}
- Cleavage: Perfect on {0001} (1 plane)
- Hardness: 1-2
- Density: 2.2
- System: Hexagonal (2H), Trigonal (3R) (Layer-stacking polytype)
- Group (2H): 6mm, 63mc
- Group (3R): (-3)m, R(-3)m
- Lattice (2H): a=2.5, c=6.7
- Lattice (3R): a=2.5, c=10.0
Etymology: Draw in Greek, as this mineral was used as pen.