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Nepheline [abbr. Nph ]
Year of discovery: 1800 (Monte Somma, Italy), 1899 (Japan)
Locality list: 11 localities of nepheline
- NaAlSiO4
- (Na,K)AlSiO4
- [Na+][AlSiO4]-
- Na => K: Kalsilite, Trikalsilite, Panunzite, Kaliophilite, Megakalsilite
- Color: White, Gray, Pale yellow
- Streak: White
- Luster: Vitreous
- Diaphaneity: Transparent-Opaque
- Cleavage: Poor on {1010} and {0001} (4 planes)
- Hardness: 5.5-6
- Density: 2.6
- System: Hexagonal
- Group: 6, P63
- Lattice: a=10.0, c=8.4
Etymology: Nephele (Cloud) in Greek