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Cubanite [abbr. Cbn ]
Year of discovery: 1843 (Barracanao, Cuba), 1937 (Japan)
Locality list: 88 localities of cubanite
- CuFe2S3
- [Cu2+][Fe2+2][S3]6-
- Color: Brass
- Streak: Greenish gray
- Luster: Metallic
- Diaphaneity: Opaque
- Habit: Prismatic elongated to [001], Thick tabular on {001}{110}
- Striation: [010] on {001}
- Twin: {110}. 4 or 6 repeated twins. pseudohexagonal by 6 folded twin
- Cleavage: No, Parting on {110} and {1-30} (4 planes)
- Hardness: 3.5
- Density: 4.1
- System: Orthorhombic
- Group: mmm, Pcmn
- Lattice: a=6.5, b=11.1, c=6.2
Etymology: Cuba