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Zircon (Photo) [abbr. Zrn ]
Year of discovery: 1783 (Narestø quarry, Norway, Hella 1 quarry, Norway, and Alve quarry, Norwary), 1885 (Japan)
Locality list: 987 localities of zircon
- Polymorph: Reidite (High pressure, Tetragonal)
- Zr => Th: Thorite
- Zr => Hf: Hafnon (Series)
- Zr => Ce: Stetindite
- Color: Colorless, Yellow, Brown
- Streak: White
- Luster: Adamantine
- Diaphaneity: Transparent-Opaque
- Cleavage: Indistinct on {110} and {111} (6 planes)
- Hardness: 7.5
- Density: 4.7
- System: Tetragonal
- Group: 4/mmm, I41/amd
- Lattice: a=6.6, c=6.0
Etymology: Zargun (Gold) in Persian, or Zarguin (Vermilion) in Arabic