Yokota, Oku-Izumo city, Nita county, Shimane pref., Japan
Source for Molybdenum

Field of view: 20 mm. Hexagonal tabular molybdenite. The hexagonal tabular silver crystal at the bottom of the specimen is molybdenite. The white host is gangue quartz, a vein in granite. The yellow part at the bottom of molybdenite is ferrimolybdite. The brown part is a limonite crust.
Recovered from a quartz vein in a pneumatolytic deposit in I-type (Magnetite-series) granite. Formed in the early Paleocene (65 Ma).
Molybdenite from this location was described in 1945.
Other localities
- Hirase Mine (Hydrothermal)
- Nakatatsu Mine (Hydrothermal)
- Komaki Mine (Hydrothermal)
- Otome Mine (Alpine Fissure)
- Tsuruse (Pegmatite)
- Taguchi Mine (Bedded Mn, AM facies)
- Matsuzawa Mine (Bedded Mn, AE facies)