Kitagawa, Hanno city, Saitama pref., Japan
Source for Iron

Field of view: 5 mm. Massive hematite. The reddish-brown band traversing from the upper left to the lower right is composed of fine hematite crystals. The surrounding massive black host is chert. The white veins are quartz.
Recovered from a chert-hosted bedded manganese deposit subjected to Pumpellyite-Actinolite facies metamorphism.
Hematite from this location was described in 1981.
Other localities
- Waga-sennin Mine (Metasomatic Skarn, Rosette)
- Akatani Mine (Metasomatic Skarn, Platy)
- Chichibu Mine (Hydrothermal Skarn, Platy)
- Mikawa Mine (Hydrothermal, Botryoidal)
- Gozaisho Mine (Bedded Mn, Tabular)
- Iwaisawa Mine (Bedded Mn, Massive)
- Sukayu (Bog Iron, Powder)
- Gunma Mine (Bog Iron, Powder)