Naganobori, Mito village, Mine city, Yamaguchi pref., Japan

Field of view: 40 mm. Grayish-green grossular. The massive grayish-green parts are grossular, and the white parts are quartz. There are dodecahedral crystal faces of grossular at the boundary between quartz and grossular.
Recovered from skarn formed by contact metamorphism of S-type (Ilmenite-series) granite. Formed in the early Paleocene (85 Ma).
Grossular from this location was described in 1909.
Other localities
- Chichibu Mine (Skarn, Green)
- Kobushi Mine (Skarn, Brown)
- Nakatatsu Mine (Skarn, Green)
- Naganobori Mine (Skarn, Green)
- Obira Mine (Skarn, Brown)
- Nagakuki (Skarn, Brown)
- Kanayamadani valley (Serpentinite, Pale Yellow)