Otome Mine
Yanagidaira, Makioka village, Yamanashi city, Yamanashi pref., Japan
"No Trespassing" sign was erected.
Otomezaka Mine, Kurasawa Mine
Titanium type rare-element pegmatite
Quartz verins and associated high-temperature hydrothermal deposit intruded in in Miocene Tokuwa type of Kofu Granodiorite near the boundary with Sanpo Granodiorite. Quartz veins are intruded along a ring-shaped fissures. Quartz veins are 3 - 5 wide. The type locality of reinite, ferberite pseudomorph after scheelite.

Adit on a huge quartz vein in granodiorite. Side walls of this adit are white quartz. Wooden frames are in the adit. The cave at the right end of this photograph is a pocket.
Reported Minerals
- Quartz
- Anatase
- Brookite
- Rutile
- Molybdenite
- Galena
- Pyromorphite
- Tetradymite
- Cosalite
- Chalcopyrite
- Pyrite
- Ferberite
- Scheelite
- Tungstite
Mineral Assemblages
- Quartz - Rutile
- Quartz - Pyrite
- Quartz - Molybdenite
Details of the mine
Clear quartz was mined.
- Otome Mine (W deposit)
- Hirasawa Mine (Adularia)
- Mount Kinsho (Quartz diolite)
- Senno creek (Granodiolite)
- Sakeishi (Granodiolite)
Related Occurrences
- Pegmatite (Abyssal)
- Pegmatite (Muscovite)
- Pegmatite (Muscovite-Rare element)
- Pegmatite (Rare element, Allanite)
- Pegmatite (Rare element, Euxenite)
- Pegmatite (Rare element, Gadolinite)
- Pegmatite (Rare element, Titanium)
- Pegmatite (Rare element, Beryl)
- Pegmatite (Rare element, Phosphate)
- Pegmatite (Rare element, Spodumene)
- Pegmatite (Rare element, Petalite)
- Pegmatite (Rare element, Lepidolite)
- Pegmatite (Rare element, Elbaite)
- Pegmatite (Rare element, Amblygonite)
- Pegmatite (Rare element, Albite-Spodumene)
- Pegmatite (Rare element, Albite)
- Pegmatite (Miarolitic, REE)
- Pegmatite (Miarolitic, Li)
- Pegmatite (Gabbro)