TrekGEO > Mineral Trail > Kinki region > Shiga pref. > Mount Tanakami

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Mount Tanakami

Tanakami-Mori village, Otsu city, Shiga pref., Japan


REE Miarolitic pegmatite

NYF family pagmatite in Late Cretaceous Tanakami Granite. Tanakami Granite is considered as the southern member of Biwako Ring Complex, a huge ring complex measuring 50 km in diameter, of Biwako Caldera.

Mount Tanakami

A huge pocket in the pegmatite of Tanakami Granite. The white outcrop in this photograph is weathered granite. This pocket, "Nakazawa pocket", is one of the most famous pegmatite pockets in Japan. Nakazawa pocket was named after Mr. Kazuo Nakazawa who found this pocket first in 1974. The size of this pocket is 160 x 70 x 650 cm.

Reported Minerals

Mineral Assemblages

  • Quartz - Feldspar - Zinnwaldite - Masutomilite
  • Quartz - Feldspar - Topaz - Zinnwaldite
  • Quartz - Feldspar - Dravite
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