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Minerals reported from Tottori prefecture, Japan
- 191 mineral species (165 approved species, 26 varieties and groups), 15 geological substances
- First description in the world: 0 species.
- First description in Japan: 18 species
Mineral species and geological substances reported from Tottori prefecture in citable journal papers and books. The list includes approved minerals, varieties, field names, group names, and organic matters.
Photographs of outcrops and minerals in Tottori prefeture
- Previous works
- No approved species; Tsunashiro Wada, Nihon kobutsu-shi, Japan, 275p. (1904)
- 6 species (4 approved species, 2 varieties and groups); Kotora Jimbo, Nobuyo Fukuchi, and Tozo Takimoto, Nihon kobutsu-shi, 2nd ed., Japan, 357p. (1916)
- Year of the first description (XXX indicates ubiquitous minerals but no description was found), Mineral name, Comments
- Comments: Type loc. (First description in the world), 1st (First description in Japan), 2nd (Second description in Japan), ..., Discreded (Misidentified description)
- 1961, Actinolite
- 1935, Aikinite, Doubtful
- 1969, Alabandite
- 1954, Albite
- 1956, Allanite-(Ce)
- 1972, Allophane
- 1978, Almandine
- 1958, Amphibole supergroup
- 1957, Analcime
- 1978, Andesine
- 1958, Andradite
- 1963, Anorthoclase
- 1965, Anthophyllite
- 1955, Antigorite
- 1957, Apatite group, Mostly Fluorapatite
- 1994, Aragonite
- 1963, Arfvedsonite
- 1952, Argentite
- 1876, Arsenopyrite, 3rd
- 1958, Augite
- 1956, Autunite
- 1956, Azurite
- 1973, Barroisite
- 1977, Basssanite, 1st
- 1958, Bastite
- 1960, β-uranophane
- 1900, Biotite series
- 1972, Bismuth
- 1958, Bismutite
- 1961, Boltwoodite, 1st
- 1932, Bornite
- 1952, Braunite
- 1957, Brucite
- 1978, Bytownite
- 1888, Calcite
- 1962, Carnotite, 1st
- 1954, Cassiterite
- 2003, Celsian
- 1935, Chalcanthite
- 1932, Chalcocite
- 1876, Chalcopyrite
- 2008, Chesterite, 3rd
- 1954, Chlorite group
- 1916, Chrome ochre, 2nd
- 1900, Chromite
- 2002, Chrysotile
- 1955, Clinochlore, as Leuchtenbergite
- 2008, Clinoptilolite series
- 2004, Clinozoisite, Thulite, 2nd
- 2004, Clinozoisite-(Sr), Niigataite
- 1957, Coffinite
- 1932, Copper
- 1973, Cordierite
- 1935, Covellite
- 1947, Cristobalite
- 1997, Cummingtonite
- 1935, Cuprite
- 2008, Cymrite
- 1888, Galena
- 1911, Garnet group
- 1965, Gedrite
- 1972, Gersdorffite
- 1963, Gibbsite
- 1961, Goethite
- 1893, Gold
- 1961, Graphite
- 1958, Grossular
- 1998, Gustavite, or Lillianite
- 1963, Gypsum
- 1961, Haiweeite, 1st, as Ranquilite
- 1962, Halloysite-7Å
- 1972, Halloysite-10Å
- 1976, Halotrichite
- 1972, Hawleyite, 1st
- 1963, Heazlewoodite, 1st
- 1958, Hedenbergite
- 1893, Hematite
- 1999, Hemoilmenite
- 1978, Hercynite
- 1906, Hornblende series, Mostly Magnesio-hornblende
- 1978, Hydrotalcite
- 1950, Hypersthene
- 1947, Magnesiochromite
- 1996, Magnesio-hornblende
- 1958, Magnesite
- 1891, Magnetite
- 1935, Malachite
- 1949, Manganite
- 1919, Marcasite
- 1963, Melanterite
- 1936, Mendozite, 1st
- 1969, Meta-autunite
- 1916, Molybdenite
- 1960, Monazite-(Ce)
- 1949, Montmorillonite
- 2008, Mordenite
- 1966, Mullite, 1st
- 1951, Muscovite
- 1958, Pargasite
- 1999, Pentlandite
- 2004, Perovskite
- 1950, Phlogopite
- 1968, Phosphuranylite
- 1933, Piemontite
- 1906, Plagioclase series
- 1999, Potarite, 1st
- 1959, Prehnite
- 2002, Proto-anthophyllite, 1st
- 2003, Pumpellyite-(Al)
- 1876, Pyrite
- 1957, Pyrolusite
- 1969, Pyrophanite
- 1969, Pyrosmalite-(Fe)
- 1974, Pyroxene
- 1932, Pyrrhotite
- 1976, Sabugalite, 1st
- 1957, Saponite
- 1979, Scheelite
- 1932, Serpentine
- 1929, Siderite
- 1999, Sperrylite, 2nd
- 1952, Spessartine
- 1888, Sphalerite
- 1943, Spinel, as Chromian spinel
- 1999, Stibiopalladinite, 3rd
- 1955, Stibnite
- 1964, Stilbite series
- 1961, Stilpnomelane
- 1900, Talc
- 1952, Tephroite
- 1981, Tetrahedrite series
- 1996, Thomsonite-Ca
- 1961, Titanite
- 1978, Todorokite
- 1956, Torbernite
- 1961, Tourmaline supergrouup
- 1958, Tremolite
- 1947, Tridymite
- 1983, Orbicular rhyolite
- 1983, Accretionary lapilli
- 1983, Obsidian
- 2005, Pseudotachylyte
- 1935, Limonite
- 1958, Asbestos
- 1957, Garnierite
- 1970, Stalactite
- 1953, Clay silicate
- 1963, Silicified wood
- 1953, Diatomite
- 1897, Coal
- 1900, Peat
- 1983, Charcoal