[ Top ] [ Japanese ]
Year of discovery: 1957 (Japan as the first occurence in the World)
Locality list: 8 localities of ningyoite
- CaU(PO4)2,1-2H2O
- (U,Ca,Ce)2(PO4)2,1-2H2O
- [(Ca2+,U5+)2][(PO4)2]6-,1-2H2O
- Color: Greenish brown, Dark brown
- Luster: Greasy
- Diaphaneity: Translucent
- Habit: Acicualr, Elongated rhombohedral
- Cleavage: No
- Hardness: 3-4
- Density: 4.8
- System: Orthorhombic
- Group: 222, P222
- Lattice: a=6.8, b=12.1, c=6.4
Etymology: Ningyo moutain pass in Okayama prefecture, Japan, where this mineral was discovered for the first time.