Asemi river
Uriuno, Motoyama city, nagaoka county, Kochi pref., Japan
Source for Titanium

Field of view: 30 mm. Rutile associated with albite. The dark red prisms with a diamond luster are rutile. The yellowish-brown grain at the lower right is titanite. The opaque white part around rutile and titanite is albite. The dark green part at the bottom is the host greenschist.
Recovered from an albite vein in an accretionary complex subjected to Greenschsit facies high-pressure metamorphism.
Rutile from this location was described in 1954.
Other localities
- River Asemi (High-P metamorphic, Prismatic)
- Hirasawa (Alpine Fissure, Prismatic)
- Otome Mine (Hydrothermal, Prismatic)