Rendaiji, Shimoda city, Shizuoka pref., Japan
This locality is closed to collecting.
Source for copper

Field of view: 5 mm. A group of brochantite. The sprays of acicular green crystals are brochantite perched on a open space of quartz. The massive white host is gangue quartz encrusted with light brown limonite.
Recovered from an open space of a quartz vein in a meteoric oxidation zone of a moderate-temperature hydrothermal deposit associated with andesitic-basaltic pyroclastic rocks of an oceanic arc subjected to propylitization alteration.
Brochantite from this location was described in 1931.

Field of view: 3 mm. Prisms of brochantite. The prismatic green crystals are brochantite. The surrounding white host is gangue quartz.
Other localities
- Kamioka Mine (Pneumatolytic Skarn, Crust)
- Naganobori Mine (Pneumatolytic Skarn, Crust)
- Kawazu Mine (Hydrothermal, Primsatic)
- Mikawa Mine (Hydrothermal, Primsatic)
- Kisan-mori Mine (Hydrothermal, Prismatic)
- Myoho Mine (Sediment-hosted Cu, Tabular)