United Staes, Mexico, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, Bahama, Cuba, Jamaica, Haiti, Dominica, Colombia, Venezuela
United States (Florida),
Mexico (Veracruz, Puebla, Morelos, Chiapas, Yucatán),
Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, Bahama, Cuba, Jamaica, Haiti, Dominica,
Colombia (Magdalena),
Venezuela (Nueva Esparta, Distrito Federal)
0 - 1,500 m elevation
Tillandsia paucifolia
Tillandsia (Tillandsia) paucifolia J. G. Baker (1878)
- [ Etymology ] paucus + folia in Latin (few + leaves)
- Bulbous rosette. It resembles Tillandsia caput-medusae but leaves are glabrous and covered with less trichomes.
- [ Width ] 10 cm
- [ Height ] 20 cm
- [ Petal ] Violet
- [ Bract ] Red
- [ Flower ] July, November
- [ Flower ] for 14 days
- [ Regional variation ]
- Standard form (Short leaves)
- Mexico form (Long twisted lieaves)
- [ Genus ] Tillandsia
- [ Subgenus ] Tillandsia
- [ Species ] paucifolia
- [ Subspecies ]
- schubertii (Offsets grow from inflorescences) => Tillandsia intermedia
- [ Synonyms ]
- Tillandsia bracteosa Klotzsch ex Baker (1856): Santo Domingo, Dominica
- Tillandsia bulbosa Chapman (1860)
- Tillandsia circinnata sensu auct.
- Tillandsia pruinosa sensu Chapman
- Tillandsia yucatana Baker (1887)
Informations summarized here are based on our experiences, and TrekGEO does not guarantee the results by cultivating in the same or similar conditions described here. Even a species of Tillandsia differs substantially between individuals, and is very sensitive in changes of environments. Applicatons of any idea inspired by this site should be at your own risks.
3rd Plant
- Cultivation condition
- Partial sun, Dipping, Shelving, AC / Heater
- Jun. 2024 Roots began to grow.
- Apr. 2022 A root began to grow.
- Up to this point
- Partial sun, Long soaking, Shelving, AC / Heater
- Nov. 2021 It keeps growing.
- Sep. 2020 The foliage flowered in 2018 was died and removed.
- Aug. 2020 Many roots began to grow.
- Up to this point
- Partial shade, Long soaking, Shelving, Summer AC
- Apr. 2020 It keeps growing.
- Mar. 2020 The offset has grown to the same size as the flowered foliage.
- Sep. 2019 The foliage flowered in 2016 was died and removed.
- Jul. 2018 It flowered.
- Jun. 2018 An offset began to grow at the bottom of the foliage.
- Up to this point
- Partial shade, Long soaking,
- Shelving, No air conditioning
- Apr. 2018 An inflorescence began to grow.
- Jun. 2017 2 roots began to grow.
- Nov. 2016 It flowered.
- Oct. 2016 An offset began to grow at the bottom of the foliage.
- Sep. 2016 An inflorescence began to grow.
2nd Plant
- Cultivation condition
- Partial shade, Long soaking, Shelving, Indoors
- Aug. 2006 It died.
- Jun. 2005 1 - 2 leaves increased.
1st Plant
- Cultivation condition
- Partial shade, Long soaking, Shelving, Indoors
- It does not change at all, then it died suddenly.