Tillandsia paucifolia
- Flowers -
- [ Cultivation data ]
- [ Flowers ]
- [ Inflorescences ]
- [ Blooming foliages ]
- [ Green foliages ]
- [ Roots ]
- [ Pups ]

November 15th, 2016
The blooming period is 2 weeks between November and January, or between July and August. Purple flowers with 3 petals whose tips are edged and bottoms are white. 6 stamens and a white pistil are sticked out of petals. Flower bracts are red. A flower blooms only for a day. The inflorescence is divided into 1 - 5 branches, and bloomes from the top side branches. Approximately 2 - 5 flowers bloom from the bottom side of the branch at intervals of 2 - 5 days. 21 flowers bloomed in 5 branches in 2018. The blooming process of a flower is so slow that it took more than a week to bloom after purple petals appeared.