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Ofuku Member (Ishida et al., 1954) Waita et al., 2013
Invalid synonym: Sekinotsu Gravels Member
Same sediments as Sonoha Conglomerate Member
- Sedimentary facies: Fluvial, Lacustrine
- Paleo-river system: Ofuku - Inuuchitoge pass - Wazuka town
- Lithofacies: Gravels
- Lithofacies (Minor): Sands, Silt, Clay, Lignite
- Sedimentary structures: Upward fining, Imbricate structure
- Paleocurrent: from North to South
- Tomigaoka Formation (Shiga pref. - Kyoto pref.)
- [ Upper ]
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- Ofuku Member
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- [ Lower ]
------ Conformity, ~~~~~~ Unconformity, ~~~--- Local unconformity, '''/,, Interfingered, :::::: Fault, /--/-- Thrust, +__+__ Ground surface, ?--?-- Unknown
- Distribution: Ofuku - Okuyamada - Yuyadani, Ujitawara city, Tsuzuki county, Kyoto pref., Wazuka city, Soraku county, Kyoto pref.; Kamo town - Kita - Kizutoge pass, Kizugawa city, Kyoto pref.; Tobichi, Kasagi city, Soraku county, Kyoto pref.; Sekinotsu, Otsu city, Shiga pref.; Ryumon - Odawara, Oishi, Otsu city, Shiga pref.; Sagawaryo town, Nara city, Nara pref.
- Wakita et al. (2013) Geology of the Kyoto-Tonambu District, Quadrangle Series, Scale 1:50,000, Geological Survey of Japan, AIST, 124p. (in Japanese with English abstract 3p.)
- Ozaki et al. (2000) Geology of the Nara District, Quadrangle Series, Scale 1:50,000, Geological Survey of Japan, 162p. (in Japanese with English abstract 5p.)
- Ishida et al. (1984) Geology of the Hikone-Seibu District, Quadrangle Series, Scale 1:50,000, Geological Survey of Japan, 121p. (in Japanese with English abstract 6p.)