Goka Mine
Goka, Higashi-shirakawa city, Kamo county, Gifu pref., Japan
This locality is closed to collecting.

Field of view: 5 mm. Linarite associated with brochantite. The blue part is linarite. The green parts are probably brochantite. The white basement is gangue quartz.
Recovered from an open space of a quartz vein in a meteoric oxidation zone of a moderate-temperature hydrothermal deposit vein associated with granite porphyry, a part of a parallel dike swarm formed at the last stage of a caldera complex intruded in an accretionary complex.
Linarite from this location was described in 1979.
Other localities
- Goka Mine (Hydrothermal, Crust)
- Kisan-mori Mine (Hydrothermal, Prismatic)
- Mikawa Mine (Hydrothermal, Radial)
- Kamioka Mine (Pneumatolytic Skarn, Prismatic)