TrekGEO > Mineral Trail > Koshinetsu region > Nagano pref. > Suwa Mine

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Suwa Mine

Kitayama, Chino city, Nagano pref., Japan


Bog iron deposit

Goethite-Jarosite deposit, Bog iron deposit, formed from the Fe- and SO4-rich hot spring on Kitayama Lava of Northern Yatsugatake volcanos. Goethite is still depositing in a part of the territory. It is considered that goethite was deposited by bacterial iron biomineralization of Fe ion in the hot spring water.

Suwa Mine

Outcrop of Bog Iron, Goethite-Jarosite deposit. The brown part is spongy goethite. The yellowish part is rich in jarosite. There are many plant impression fossils in goethite.

Reported Minerals

  • Goethite
  • Jarosite
  • Cacoxenite
  • Koninckite
  • Strengite
  • Tinticite

Mineral Assemblages

  • Goethite - Jarosite
  • Goethite - Cacoxenite
  • Goethite - Koninckite
  • Goethite - Strengite
  • Goethite - Tinticite


  • 1940-1945: Fe was mined during World War II.


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