TrekGEO > Mineral Trail > Kanto region > Tochigi pref. > Oashi Mine

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Oashi Mine

Kusagyu, Kanuma city, Tochigi pref., Japan


Hornblende-hornfels facies bedded manganese deposit

Chert-hosted bedded manganese deposit in Permian - Jurassic chert block of Kurohone-Kiryu Complex, a member of Jurassic accretionary complex of Tamba-Mino-Ashio Belt. The deposit has been subjected to Hornblende-hornfels facies contact metamorphism by the Kanoiri granodiorite in the Late Cretaceous (83 Ma). Slate near this deposit was metamorphosed to Cordierite-bearing hornfels. The Kurohone-Kiryu Unit corresponds to the Kanayama Unit of the Tamba-Mino-Ashio accretionary complex. The Kanoiri granodiorite is S-type (Ilmenite-series). Approximately 2 km apart from the Kanoiri granodiorite, the heat source. Ages of sedimentary rocks were determined by radiolarians, and granodiorite by K-Ar radiometric dating of biotite.

Reported Minerals

Mineral Assemblages

  • Rhodonite - Clino-suenoite - Spessartine
  • Rhodonite - Quartz - Helvite
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