Chapalilla, Nayarit, Mexico
1,250 - 1,300 m elevation
Epiphytic on oak trees
Tillandsia chapalillaensis
Tillandsia chapalillaensis Ehlers and Lautner (2011)
- [ Etymology ] Chapalilla, Nayarit, Mexico, a natural habitat of this species + ensis in Latin (originating in)
- It had been considered as a natural hybrid, Tillandsia juncea x Tillandsia schiedeana.
- It resembles T. schiedeana but the bottom of the petal is purple.
- [ Width ] 23 - 36 cm, Basal part 2 cm
- [ Height ] 23 - 25 cm, Basal part 3.5 cm
- [ Petal (Tip) ] Pale yellow C0 M0 Y20 K0
- [ Petal (Base) ] Violet C40 M60 Y0 K0
- [ Bract ] Red C30 M100 Y70 K0
- [ Flower ] January - March
- [ Flower ] for 15 - 24 days
- [ Genus ] Tillandsia
Informations summarized here are based on our experiences, and TrekGEO does not guarantee the results by cultivating in the same or similar conditions described here. Even a species of Tillandsia differs substantially between individuals, and is very sensitive in changes of environments. Applicatons of any idea inspired by this site should be at your own risks.
1st Plant
- Cultivation condition
- Partial sun, Dipping, Shelving, AC / Heater
- Jan. 2025 It flowered.
- Oct. 2024 Inflorescences began to grow from 2 offsets of the 4-foliage clump.
- Aug. 2022 4 offsets began to grow at the middle of the foliage.
- Jul. 2022 Good condition.