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Cultivating condition

Bromeriads, including Tillandsia, adapted various circumstances in South America. Each species prefers to specific conditions.

Climate of cultivating location of TrekGEO

[ Summer season ] Temperature: 22.1 - 31.2 degree C, average 26.1 degree C (71.8 - 88.2 degree F, average 79.0 degree F), Humidity: 70 - 80 %

[ Winter season ] Temperature: -2.1 - 9.2 degree C, averate 3.2 degree C ( 28.2 - 48.6 degree F, average 37.8 degree F), Humidity: 40 - 60 %

Dappled shade (Dappled shade for 1 - 4 hours in the morning, Semi-shade for the rest of the day)
Partial shade (Direct full sun for 1 - 4 hours in the morning, Semi-shade for the rest of the day)
Partial sun (Direct full sun for 4 - 6 hours in the morning, Semi-shade for the rest of the day)
Full sun (Direct full sun in the daytime)
Tanking (Keep water in the rosette of interlocking leaves)
Long soaking (for 6 hours, every week, air dry)
Soaking and misting (for 2 hours, every 4 - 5 days, Misting every day, air dry)
Frequent misting (every day, air dry)
Soaking (for 2 hours, every 4 - 5 days, air dry)
Dipping and misting (for 10 seconds or shorter, every 4 - 5 days, Misting every day, air dry)
Dipping (for 10 seconds or shorter, every 4 - 5 days, air dry)
Careful dipping (for 10 seconds or shorter, every 4 - 5 days, never wet the base of the leaves, air dry)
Occasional misting (once a week or less, air dry)
Potting (in sphagnum moss)
Rooting (on cork barks or wood fragments)
Shelving (on wooden/plastic mesh tray)
Temperture (Humidity)
Outdoors: -10 degree C (ca. 40 %) - 35 degree C (ca. 70 %), Outdoors throughout the year
Indoors: 5 degree C (ca. 40 %) - 35 degree C (ca. 70 %), Indoor in winter
Winter Heater: 15 degree C (ca. 40 %) - 35 degree C (ca. 70 %), Heating in winter
Summer AC: 5 degree C (ca. 40 %) - 25 degree C (ca. 60 %), Air conditioning in summer, Indoor in winder
AC / Heater: 15 degree C (ca. 40 %) - 25 degree C (ca. 60 %), Air conditioning in summer and heating in winter