Asemi River
Uriuno, Motoyama city, nagaoka county, Kochi pref., Japan

Field of view: 30 mm. Prismatic crystals of piemontite. The short dark red prisms are piemontite. The micaceous silver-white crystals exhibiting perfect cleavage are muscovite, and opaque white parts are quartz.
Recovered from piemontite schist in an accretionary complex subjected to Greenschsit facies high-pressure metamorphism. Formed in the Late Cretaceous (100 Ma).
Piemontite from this location was described in 1975.
Other localities
- Asemi River (EA facies, Prismatic)
- Nagatoro (GS facies, Prismatic)
- Tone Mine (GS facies, Prismatic)
- Iwaisawa Mine (PA facies, Prismatic)
- Kusama Mine (Zeo facies, Prismatic)