Nambu city, Minami-Koma county, Yamanashi pref., Japan
The outcrop is a natural monument of Yamanashi prefecture.

Height of the crystal: 20 mm. Dispatched crystals of diopside phenocrysts.
The front small face: b(010)
The perpendicular faces at the right and the left: a(100)
The pinacoidal faces at the right and the left: m(110)
The pinacoidal faces at the top and the bottom: s(021)
Recovered from a basalt dike intruded in granite porphyry. Formed in the early Pliocene (4 Ma).
Diposide from this location was described as augite in 1926.

Height of the crystal: 20 mm. Dispatched twins. A pair of single crystals contact forming sparrow-tail twins.
The front small face: b(010)
The perpendicular faces at the right and the left: a(100)
The pinacoidal faces at the right and the left: m(110)
The pinacoidal faces at the top and the bottom: s(021)

Field of view: 50 mm. Phenocrysts of diopside. The transparent green grains are diopside. The green color is due to Cr-ion. The yellow grain at the center top is pyrite. The host is basalt of a dike.
Other localities
- Chichibu Mine (Skarn, White)
- Kasuga Mine (Skarn, White)
- Horado Mine (Skarn, Green)
- Ishibaiyama (Dolomite Skarn, Granular)
- Mount Hiiragi (Dolomite Skarn, Granular)
- Kami-Sano (Basalt, Green)
- Arai (Serpentinite, Prismatic)
- Kamioka Mine (Migmatite, Tabular)