Minano, Minano city, Chichibu county, Saitama pref., Japan

Field of view: 10 mm. A group of diopside associated with serpentinite. The yellowish-green prisms are diopside. The diopside prisms are vertical to the vein wall. The dark green part at the bottom is the host serpentinite. The thin white layer at the boundary between diopside and serpentinite is probably calcite.
Recovered from a diopside vein in serpentinite of an accretionary complex subjected to Greenschist facies high-pressure metamorphism.
Diopside from this location was described in 1953.
Other localities
- Chichibu Mine (Skarn, White)
- Kasuga Mine (Skarn, White)
- Horado Mine (Skarn, Green)
- Ishibaiyama (Dolomite Skarn, Granular)
- Mount Hiiragi (Dolomite Skarn, Granular)
- Kami-Sano (Basalt, Green)
- Arai (Serpentinite, Prismatic)
- Kamioka Mine (Migmatite, Tabular)