Kitagawa, Hanno city, Saitama pref., Japan

Field of view: 50 mm. Caryopilite associated with quartz. The massive translucent brown parts are aggregate of fine caryopilite crystals. Caryopilite is mixed with quartz, and the darker parts are the higher content of caryopilite. It looks similar to Katsuo-bushi, traditional Japanese seasoning produced by drying bonito, and it is called Katsuo-bushi-ko. The white veins are quartz. The black parts on the surface are manganese dioxide formed by weathering of caryopilite.
Recovered from a chert-hosted bedded manganese deposit subjected to Pumpellyite-Actinolite facies metamorphism.
Caryopilite from this location was described in 1981.
Other localities
- Iwaisawa Mine (Bedded Mn, PA facies)
- Okutama Mine (Bedded Mn, Zeo facies)
- Shintani Mine (Bedded Mn, Zeo facies)