Yatsuhashi, Shitara city, Kita-Shitara county, Aichi pref., Japan
This locality is strictly closed to collecting.

Field of view: 5 mm. White acicular crystals on manganese dioxide crust. The black basement is manganese dioxide crust on the dump stone. This might be aragonite? but this mineral is somewhat different...
Recovered from a bedded manganese deposit in pelitic schist subjected to Amphibolite facies regional metamorphism and contact metamorphism by granodiorite. Formed in less than 50 years after the mine was closed,
Other localities
- Choshi (Andesite, Pink)
- Onara (Serpentinite, Tabular)
- Kanayamadani valley (Serpentinite, Tabular)
- Shiraki (Serpentinite, Prismatic)
- Yoshikawa Mine (Serpentinite, Fibrous)
- Akatani Mine (Metasomatic Skarn, Prismatic)
- Taguchi Mine (Bedded Mn, Acicular)