Shiraki village, Toba city, Mie pref., Japan

Field of view: 5 mm. Aragonite twins. The colorless hexagonal prisms are aragonite. The pseudohexagonal prisms are penetration twins by three tabular single crystals at 120 degree. There are striations at the termination of the prism.
Recovered from an open space of rodingite in a serpentinite block subjected to Greenschist facies metamorphism.
Aragonite from this location was described in 1976.
Other localities
- Choshi (Andesite, Pink)
- Onara (Serpentinite, Tabular)
- Kanayamadani valley (Serpentinite, Tabular)
- Shiraki (Serpentinite, Prismatic)
- Yoshikawa Mine (Serpentinite, Fibrous)
- Akatani Mine (Metasomatic Skarn, Prismatic)
- Taguchi Mine (Bedded Mn, Acicular)